3rd Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week

The 3rd Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week (3MPCW), entitled ‘Plant Conservation Strategies: from Science to Practice’, will be held at the International Conference Centre of CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), Crete, Greece. The conference is aimed at researchers and young scientists engaged in plant conservation in the Mediterranean type ecosystems.

The main theme of the 3MPCW will be training and experience sharing in the field of Mediterranean plant conservation. The objective is that participants learn about current techniques in different fields of plant conservation and create partnerships that will help them to carry out their own projects. The main Thematic Areas are: 1) Taxonomy, inventories, Conservation Status assessment 2) Conservation planning and ex situ / in situ techniques 3) Networking, learning and communication.

In principle, a plenary session is anticipated in the mornings and a workshop session on the same theme in the afternoons, with group work for sharing questions, problems, ideas, alternative techniques, short communications on projects, discussion, as well as various ‘side events’.


CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAM-MAICh)
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)
IUCN/SSC Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group (MSPG)
Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres (GENMEDA)

Source (and more info): http://www.medplantsweek.uicnmed.org/public_html/medplantsweek/en/home/

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